Mondo Masai
Desde 56,849 MXN

Mondo Masai

Pacote de Férias
Criado: quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2024
Ref ID: 11747845
Preço total Desde 113,697 MXN
Criado: quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2024
Mais fotos (2)

Day 1: Nairobi

Transfer from the airport to the hotel.

Day 2: Maasai Mara National Reserve

Breakfast and transfer to Wilson airport to take the plane to the majestic Masai Mara National Reserve, considered the pearl of nature in the country. The light aircraft flight will provide a scenic flight over those hills covered by grasslands and dotted with acacia trees that remind us of the authentic landscape of Africa in the legendary film "Out of Africa", reception at the airstrip and start of the safari. There is no better phrase to describe the experience we offer in the Masai Mara, "Mother Earth's garden is called the Masai Mara", an explosion of wildlife and 1.5 million wildebeest crossing the mythical Mara River are the objectives for our 4x4 safari days in the Masai Mara National Reserve.

Day 3: Maasai Mara National Reserve

These two more days in the Masai Mara National Reserve will allow us to enjoy the rich diversity of wildlife and invite us to get lost in the infinity of its plains to find lions, leopards, rhinos, elephants ... until we reach the banks of the Mara River with its chocolate waters where hippos frolic a few meters from us.

Day 4: Maasai Mara National Reserve

The Mara River is the natural barrier that must be crossed every year by the large migratory herds of wildebeest and zebra that move between the Masai Mara Reserve and the Serengeti NP, forming a truly breathtaking spectacle, having to save in the river countless crocodiles.
In our camp we are in a privileged area to follow in the footsteps of the great migration. Bush Walking (Walking safari through the main crossing points of the Great Migration on the banks of the Mara River.)

Day 5:

In the morning on the way to the airstrip we will be seen off during the morning safari by elegant giraffes, many hippos, wildebeest, zebras...along the backbone of the reserve, the Mara River. We board the PLANE back to Wilson. Arrival and transfer to Nairobi International Airport.

Preço total Desde 113,697 MXN
Reserve diretamente sem alterações
Resumo da viagem
2 Adultos
noites 4
Essa idéia inclui
Destinos 2
Acomodações 2
Circuitos 1
Resumo do passeio
- Guía-conductor de habla hispana en Kenia (Masai Mara).
- Traslado aeropuerto Nairobi-Hotel. (Conductor habla inglesa).
- Traslado hotel Nairobi a Wilson airport. (Conductor habla inglesa).
- Avioneta Wilson / Masai Mara y Mara / Wilson.
- Safari a pie a través de los principales cruces de la migración a orillas del Río Mara.
- Transporte en vehículo 4x4 Land Cruiser EN PRIVADO PARA 2 o 4 o 6 PERSONAS especialmente preparado para safari durante todo el recorrido.
- TENTED CAMP MASAI MARA. Todos los safaris y té y café incluido.
- Todos los safaris en 4x4.
- Hotel en Nairobi en alojamiento y desayuno.
- Pensión completa durante todo el safari.
- Agua embotellada durante toda la actividad de safari dentro del parque.
- Entrada a la Reserva Nacional de Masai Mara.
- Tasas de alojamiento dentro de la Reserva Nacional.
- Seguro Flying Doctors y seguro personal de viaje
- Vuelo internacional
- Tasas de aeropuerto
- Tasas locales
- Visado de Kenia
- Actividades opcionales
- Propinas
- Todo lo no especificado en el apartado Incluye
Acomodações planejadas

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